1) I saw a kookaburra bird (above picture) for the first time, in the Blue Mountains. They sound kind of like laughing monkeys. Now that I know what they look like (and more so sound like) I notice them around campus, too.
**side note: there is a bush-walking club on campus, that goes on hikes around Sydney. So I went on one in the Blue Mountains on last Sunday. I posted pictures from it and other adventures at this site: http://picasaweb.google.com/Alison.in.Aussie
2) I am taking a math methods class for my major, and people from Australia always says "maths". At first I thought it was someone who mispronounced it, but now I hear the teacher and everyone else saying it with the s.
3) Another thing with the accent, r's are put at the end of a lot of words. For example, "I sawr her at the store."
4) The advisor told us to switch the spell-check feature in word documents to "Australian English". I have already noticed some differences in lecture power points, like: colour and organisation. I'm already not very good at spelling, so this is really going to mess me up!
**Warning this last observation may be somewhat upsetting to some if you are fond of kangaroos...................................................................................................................................
5) Richie & I had this for dinner at a place on the Sydney Harbor:

................................and it was really good! :-O
your expression in this picture is priceless, its like, i just ate a kangaroo?...and i liked it??
just pleeeease don't eat "shish-ka-puppies" next : (
All of your male roommates aren't going to be expecting you to be cooking up a storm for them, are they? A little fried kookaburra, perhaps?
Richie sportin the spiffy shades!
Hi Allison! Its Brian From Elmhurst College! I need your help badly! I hope you can send me the powerpoint we did for Cheeseman's class EDU 325 the last group presentation we did with Deb! We need it for the portfolio!! PLEASE send it to my email reamerman9@yahoo.com
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