- The construction of the Opera House began in 1959.
- It took until 1973 to finish building it and for it to finally open.
- It cost about $100 million!
- The final show of Australian Idol takes place inside!
Justin & I:
Check this out!
We rearranged out living room from the front of the apartment to the back for more space and a cozier feel: (view entering from the left side)
Check this out!
We rearranged out living room from the front of the apartment to the back for more space and a cozier feel: (view entering from the left side)

Have you heard??
*For the past two weeks it seems like all I have heard about on the news is how the equine influenza (EI) has spread through Aussie's racehorse population....
*No worries though! Today the horses are back to the tracks!
They're everywhere!!
That is, students in uniforms... from primary to secondary school grades, any person wearing a backpack (not at my uni) has been in a uniform. These small children on a field trip to the Queen Victoria Building have been my favorite so far! I mean, just look at their hats!
Other than Australian Idol, what are some of the popular tv shows down under??? <]:o
Are you sure that's not Richie incognito in one of those cool hats? The new Aussie Richie!
wow great pictures
Pfffft! I knew all that stuff ;) I want to go back!!!!
Hey Allison,
Its Michael and Elizabeth. Your mother gave me the info about your blog. I really like the pictures and the education. You sound like you are having a great time. By the way, I have pictures of my own I would like to send you of your godchild. Email me with your email address to mehosfield@netzero.net
Talk to you soon,
Michael and Elizabeth
Hi Allison,
Enjoy reading your blog and so glad you are having so much fun! I'm sure the time is FLYING by. Take care and keep blogging!
thanks for all the comments :)
We mostly catch some game shows while we eat dinner, like Deal or No Deal, One Vs. One Hundred, and Temptation (all with Australian hosts). There is also a cool travel show called Things to Try Before You Die. Oh, and on Sunday nights we watch Rove, who is a really funny late night talk show host.
p.s. time IS flying by, I can't believe its almost been TWO months!
It sounds like you and Richie are not only having fun but learning a lot about the culture too. What's up with that? Ha Ha I am so happy that you are able to experience life "down under".
Mrs. C. aka Colombo
Hi Alison,
It's the Reusch's (remember us from baseball?). We're loving keeping up with your blog. Sounds like a blast! Any baseball down under? Enjoy! You'll NEVER forget this adventure of a lifetime.
Linda, Kirk and Jeremy
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