We began our quest down the East Coast by flying into Cairns, and spending 4 nights/5 days there. Whitewater rafting down the Tully River was a blast! The difficulty of the rapids were grades 3 and 4 on a grade 6 scale. It was hard work, and we even fell in the water after some of the grade 4 rapids- part of the raft would tip or bounce people out if they didn't hold on! The next day was even more intense! I went skydiving from 11,000 feet over the Great Barrier Reef and landed on the beach! It was a SPECTACULAR view. We took this really tiny plane, that fit 4 people plus the certified divers strapped to us! I was the first one to go- this is how the conversation went leading up to the dive:
Man attached to me to keep me alive: we're at 11,000 feet! are you ready for this? (the side door slowly opens and he scoots us over to face out the door)
Me: ...
Man: ok swing your feet outside!
Me: wooooaaaah
Man: good job! ready, ONE
(there was no 2 or 3!)
It was such a rush, so exhilarating! My face was flapping in the wind, but only until the parachute got opened, and then we slowed down to a drift. I was actually able to stop screaming, too! As soon as I landed I was ready to go back up... hahaha, not really. It took me a while to realize that I really just jumped out of a plane- I wanted someone to pinch me ;-D
We followed that by getting in a Jungle Minjin Swing, the next day. Richie and I were strapped in side by side and hoisted up, practically into the rain forest, and looking out over the outskirts of Cairns. I had control of the string which would released us; when
Our last two days in Cairns: One day, we went snorkeling at three different parts of the Outer Great Barrier Reef. The weather was perfect and the sun was beating down, so the water was so much warmer than the first time we went out there. We also saw a lot of different kinds of fish and got to tough a sea cucumber - slimy and squishy creatures. The other day we spent at a northern Cairns beach. The water was clear and so refreshing. That night we took a 13 hour coach bus ride & arrived at our next destination, Airlie Beach.
That is so funny about only counting to one and not two or three before you jumped out of the plane. You are having an adventure of a lifetime in Australia. I enjoy reading all your blogs.
You are so funny.... I do not recall the part about the tiny little plane for 4 people....somehow that minor detail escapes me...hmmm.
Also, you did not mention the part about calling your mom at 2:30 A.M. to confirm that you did in fact survive the sky diving part(which, by the way, I DID ask her to do! I just didn't realize I'd be getting that call at 2:30 in the morning!)
Love & miss you so much & glad you're on terra firma! Mom
Mrs. Colombo, give Artie a hug & smooch for me, for sending me the adorable Halloween bear decorations!
The mall here already has their Christmas decorations out! I couldn't believe it, so I was glad to make my room a bit more fall-ish, even if it is HOT outside!
Say HI to Mr. C and the girls too!
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